I’m 64 years old. Most likely a bit older than most of the people who read this blog (I’m so old I’m not even sure if it’s called a blog!
Dear James,
Your research and advice was invaluable.
Just wanted you to know I am deeply impressed with your teaching style. The respect misunderstanding has been my main obstacle with men. You seem to hold the keys and the way you are providing a consciousness tweaking along with examples of subtle changes showing respect is the best teaching about men I have found so far.
What a beautiful thing to say. Thank you, I needed this today. I left my husband of 25 years for this reason, and I have been heart-sick and broken hearted ever since. I left my baggage at the door, but couldn’t quite leave the rejection there. I have been applying the principles you have taught me and I have a wonderful man in my life who has just told me that he respects me! I thought I was going to burst! What a relief to find a diamond! Thank you.
Tudo o que posso dizer é “uau”, esta é a informação mais incrível que já li em toda a minha vida. Ela me fez olhar para mim mesma sob uma luz totalmente nova. Foi uma bênção disfarçada para mim. As primeiras 24 horas causaram o maior impacto em mim e em todos ao meu redor, especialmente nas minhas interações com meus meninos gêmeos de dois anos e meio, junto com meu parceiro casual. Muito, muito obrigada, as palavras não podem descrever como mudei minha maneira de pensar.
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